Osseous surgery, sometimes referred to as pocket reduction or pocket elimination surgery, refers to a procedure to change the anatomy of the supporting tissues to gain and facilitate sustaining periodontal health. Prior to the decision to treat periodontal disease with this method, a number of non-surgical strategies have often been applied. Each patient will have mastered the daily regimen and technical skills to improve the health of the site considered for surgery as much as possible. Those skills are critical to maintaining the health of the periodontium after any surgery. As with every treatment option, the decision to proceed with surgery is a collaborative one focused upon what is in the best interest of each patient.
Because each patient has worked hard to render the gums as healthy as possible before surgery, this procedure can be accomplished with the greatest technical precision possible. The doctor carefully makes an incision in the gum tissue surrounding the teeth affected and opens the gum somewhat like an envelope. The teeth and the surface of the infected bone are thoroughly cleaned and then the bone is gently sculpted to allow the gums to be precisely sutured around each tooth. If a bone graft is also to be accomplished the careful placement of the gums around the tooth is of even greater value. A periodontal dressing or putty may be placed around the necks of the teeth treated and will often be in place for 2 weeks.
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