Each patient who has determined surgery is in their best interest and scheduled a surgical procedure will also have been asked to schedule a personal appointment for preoperative instructions and for signing of consent forms. We plan enough time to address the many logical questions you will have as you prepare for surgery and for your care following surgery. We would hope this information sharing session will serve to make your surgical experience as positive and comfortable as possible. We have learned this preparation will carry over to your reduction of discomfort and other symptoms commonly associated with surgery and when you are recuperating. Many of the suggestions we make will also enhance and hasten healing and help secure the outcome of surgery you are seeking. Please carefully read the section on post-operative care in preparation for your pre-operative appointment. Rather than using this website to provide generic instructions that might not fit an individual's specific situation or need, please do not let any of your questions go unanswered to your satisfaction. Please do not hesitate to call if you have any last minute questions. We can be reached at 404-231-1080 during regular business hours.
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Atlanta Address: 3580 Piedmont Road, NE, Suite 120 • Atlanta, GA 30305 • Phone: 404-231-1080
Peachtree City Address: 402 Stevens Entry, Parkside Office Park • Peachtree City, GA 30269 • Phone: 404-231-1080
Periodontics Website Designby PBHS 2010©