A harmonious bite contributes to the health of the supporting tissues for our teeth as well as to our ability to have good nutrition. If asked, most of us would describe our bite as comfortable and something we rarely if ever are aware of. Even excessive forces on our teeth are rarely the source of symptoms or awareness. Force that exceeds the tolerance of the bone supporting teeth affected by periodontitis can amplify the damage being experienced from the inflammation. Some people may experience more rapid wear of their teeth than might be expected for their age. When that occurs in our sleep we are unaware and the changes to our teeth are often gradual enough as to not be bothersome, though the changes in the shapes of opposing teeth can lead to extra stress on the supporting bone. Our jaw muscles will try to compensate for extra stresses on our teeth and may experience disharmony as well. the muscles can become fatigued, sore and/or cramped and may contribute to dysfunction of either or both jaw joints.
The therapy may include:
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